Phase modulation at 125 kHz in a Michelson interferometer using an inexpensive piezoelectric stack driven at resonance

Autor: Barbara Maria Hoeling, Richard C. Haskell, Andrew D. Fernandez, Daniel C. Petersen
Rok vydání: 2001
Zdroj: Review of Scientific Instruments. 72:1630
ISSN: 0034-6748
Popis: Fast phase modulation has been achieved in a Michelson interferometer by attaching a lightweight reference mirror to a piezoelectric stack and driving the stack at a resonance frequency of about 125 kHz. The electrical behavior of the piezo stack and the mechanical properties of the piezo-mirror arrangement are described. A displacement amplitude at resonance of about 350 nm was achieved using a standard function generator. Phase drift in the interferometer and piezo wobble were readily circumvented. This approach to phase modulation is less expensive by a factor of roughly 50 than one based on an electro-optic effect.
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