Évaluation du dommage corporel en sénologie : une nécessaire évolution

Autor: F. Hérin, V. Fernandez-Delpech, N. Telmon, F. Savall, C. Vaysse
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Gynécologie Obstétrique Fertilité & Sénologie. 49:698-702
ISSN: 2468-7189
DOI: 10.1016/j.gofs.2021.04.007
Popis: Breast damage is likely to result in compensation according to the principle of full compensation. However, breast damage, little covered in the scales usually used, requires a specific methodology. The quantification of functional prejudice must be done with regard to the age of the victim and must take into account the possible repercussions on mobility (shoulder and/or spine) as well as the psychological repercussions. Whether or not the nipple and areola are preserved should be described. Temporary aesthetic damage (before breast reconstruction) must be assessed on the basis of objective elements, its duration and quantification on a scale of 0 to 7. Permanent aesthetic damage takes into account scars, deformities, amputations and quality of the prosthesis. A new scale for evaluating permanent aesthetic damage is proposed. Sexual prejudice must take into account an impairment of the pleasure related to sexuality and its erotic function, in line with the concept of sexual health. However, even after reconstruction, the areas of quality of sexual life and sexual satisfaction often remain affected. An exploration using standardized questions from validated questionnaires such as BREAST-Q can be useful. The sequelae linked to the damage on a breast can also lead the woman to limit certain pleasure activities, in particular because of psychological discomfort or even be the cause of a loss of opportunity to carry out a family's life plan.
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