Emotion and Stress Recognition Through Speech Using Machine Learning Models

Autor: Druva Manasa, C. Kiran Mai
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Learning and Analytics in Intelligent Systems ISBN: 9789811592928
Popis: Emotion is a state, related with our sensory system brought out by the neurophysiological changes related with our thoughts like sad, happy, scared, excited and angry. These can be perceived through standard of conduct and outward appearances. Distinguishing discouragement through feelings is a troublesome errand. Being unhappy can’t be identified with melancholy. There are explicit side effects that help recognizing a burdensome issue, through various researches and study. This paper centers around a feeling acknowledgment framework dependent on the discourse contribution of the person. The framework pre-forms the sound info and perceives the feeling utilizing the MLP classifier. The proposed model will be able to give the best prediction rate for the emotion recognition of the depressed.
Databáze: OpenAIRE