A Specification and Verification Method on Component Composition of Real-Time Reactive Systems

Autor: Yangli Jia, Zhenling Zhang, Zhoujun Li, Xutao Du
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: 2008 Third Asia-Pacific Trusted Infrastructure Technologies Conference.
Popis: Timed component interface control flow automata (TCICFA) is presented to specify and verify composite real-time components' invocation behavior and timing constraint information. By analyzing TCICFAs, a component reachability graph (CRG) can be constructed based on the constructing algorithm we presented. Each node in CRG is equipped with a state formula which has been computed with the construction of the CRG, and assertions can be made at each node to express safety, real-time liveness and other trustworthiness properties. Then all kinds of nonfunctional trustworthiness properties of composite components in real-time reactive systems (RTRS) can be verified based on the CRG using a SAT solver.
Databáze: OpenAIRE