Stipa austroitalica garigues and mountain pastureland in the Pollino National Park (Calabria, Southern Italy)

Autor: Stefano Scalercio, Pietro Brandmayr, Francesco Rotondaro, Nicodemo G. Passalacqua, Roberto Pizzolotto, Toni Mingozzi
Rok vydání: 2002
Zdroj: Pasture Landscapes and Nature Conservation ISBN: 9783642627477
Popis: As part of a LIFE-Nature project promoted by the Pollino National Park, the semi-open mountain pastureland of the Pollino karstic massif has been studied. The most important habitats in terms of nature conservation have been found at lower altitudes in the Stipa austroitalica garigues, that are composed of a very complex mosaic of successional habitats ranging from open grassland to more or less mature forest. Cattle grazing and burning seem to be the most effective rejuvenation factors and both are helpful in maintaining high biodiversity levels in birds (many lark species), butterflies and Carabid beetles (some quantitative data are presented for invertebrates). Vegetation features, relationships with land use and possible management in relation to faunal conservation are discussed.
Databáze: OpenAIRE