Synthesis of aliphatic and aralkyl amino alcohols from 1,1,1,5-tetrachloropentane

Autor: T. T. Vasil'eva, E. Ya. Borisova, R. V. Kozlenkova, T. A. Kost, E. M. Cherkasova, T. M. Korol'kova
Rok vydání: 1970
Zdroj: Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR Division of Chemical Science. 19:2654-2656
ISSN: 1573-9171
DOI: 10.1007/bf00854934
Popis: Starting with 1,1,1,5-tetrachloropentane, we synthesized some previously unknown aminopentanols of general formula: $$R - \begin{array}{*{20}c} {OH} \hfill \\ | \hfill \\ C \hfill \\ | \hfill \\ {R\prime } \hfill \\ \end{array} - (CH_2 )_4 NR_2 \prime \prime $$
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