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Objectives:The purpose of this study was to investigate the reproductive effect of Ginseng radix on male mice.Methods:Male C57BL/6J mice were divided into four groups; normal group (vehicle-treated, n=8), Ginseng radix treatment group (100, 500, 1000 mg/kg, n=8). Ginseng radix extract was treated for 5 weeks. After treatment each group was examined for assessment of sperm count and CatSper protein expression using computer assisted semen analysis (CASA) system and the immunofl uorescence.Results:Sperm count of normal and Ginseng radix extract treated group w ere 287.57 vs. 371.62, 364.83, 343.29 x10 6 , respectively. The CatSper3, 4 proteins expression of Ginseng radix treated group were significantly increased than that of normal group.Conclusions:These findings suggest that the Ginseng radix improves male rep roductive function by increasing sperm count and CatSper protein expression.Key words:Ginseng radix, Sperm count, Cation channel of Sperm (CatSper) 서 론 불임이란 피임을 하지 않고 1년 이상 정상적인 부부생활을 하면서 임신하지 못하는 것으로, 불임부부는 전체 부부의 10-20%를 차지하고 있다. 불임의 원인은 여성에게만 있는 경우가 약 40%, 남성에게만 있는 경우가 약 40%, 남성과 여성 양쪽 모두에게 있는 경우가 약 10%, 원인불명인 경우가 약 10%로 나타내며, 결과적으로 그 원인의 절반은 남성요인이라 할 수 있다 |