Lipoidal-Nano Architecture for Parental Drug Delivery: Formulation Development and Regulatory Concerns

Autor: Hasib Adnan Md., Yahyazadeh Asieh, Dutt Rohit, de Macedo G. Frota Karoline, M. Patel Dhruvkumar, S. Elidottir Anita, P. Gómez Gilberto, Faraji Sina Kiana, G. Garcell Humberto, de Jesus e Silva de Almendra Freitas Betânia, Jamal Uddin Md., Rothenberg Elisabeth, Zahid Hasan Md., D. Patel Harsh, Moghimirad Jafar, N. Obaid Ali, Tavajohi Shohreh, K. Gurumukhani Jayanti, Patel Chilvana, do Carmo de Carvalho e Martins Maria, Péres-Rodrigues Gilmara, C. Pereira Irislene, Gulia Monika, Arifuzzaman Md., Nasser Ostad Seyed, G. Geirsdottir Olof, Jhawat Vikas, J.P. Socias Juan, R. Nogueira Thaís, Asaduzzaman S.M., A. Ali Nadia, Amini Mohsen, Hossain Liakat, Amanlou Massoud, Garg Vandana, Bansal Shivani, Boumi Shahin, Maria Resende G. de Carvalho Cecília, A. de Oliveira Victor, M. Patel Maitri, de Azevedo Paiva Adriana, V. Patel Mukundkumar, Ingadottir Bergros, Ollah Mahmoodi Nosrat, V. Jonsson Palmi, Freysdottir Jona, V. Patel Maurvi, Siddika Ayesha, Hardardottir Ingibjorg, Ramel Alfons, Diba Farzana, Kumar Sharma Anil, Sveinsdottir Kolbrun
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Current Applied Polymer Science. 4:31-39
ISSN: 2452-2716
Popis: The nanoparticles as drug carriers have demonstrated enhanced targeting, and sustained/- controlled drug release, as evident from numerous investigations that have shown promising outcomes facilitating the wellbeing of humans in the desired manner. The lipid-based nanoparticles are biodegradable and considered biocompatible by virtue of being composed of lipid moieties mimicking physiological lipids of biological systems which is their prime advantage over the other polymeric systems. A variety of such lipid carriers have been reported to be delivered from the parenteral route. However, there are certain pitfalls which are associated with lipid nanoparticles such as toxicity, poor scale up potential, immunological reactions and absence of straight forward regulatory guidelines that address the issues of lipoidal nanocarriers such as their classification, approval and compliance of governmental policies. Therefore attention must be given to address the technological and regulatory challenges associated with lipoidal nano-formulations for parenteral administration to smoothen the approval process throughout the world and bringing the same to the terminal users on time.
Databáze: OpenAIRE