Maintenance and Culture of Paralarval Longfin Squid (Doryteuthis(Loligo)Pealeii) in a Laboratory

Autor: Joseph K. Buttner, Dana Monteiro
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Journal of Shellfish Research. 32:347-349
ISSN: 1943-6319
Popis: A system and management protocol was developed that maintained large numbers of paralarval longfin squid in a laboratory for 18–44 days. The system included a 200-L conical tank, an inflow pipe with a 1-µm filter, an aeration ring, and a centered outflow standpipe with a 150-µm mesh outflow filter. Cleaning and maintenance protocols involved siphoning tanks, periodic partial draining, and transfer of squid from a used tank to a clean tank. Paralarval squid were fed brine shrimp and commercial rations, which they ingested. Squid survived and grew in the system until catastrophic disruptions terminated the experiments prematurely. With suitable backups and refinement, the system design, management protocol, and feeding regime used provide a starting point to increase squid utility for research and commercial production.
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