Système nerveux et aptitude à la régénération du bras de l’étoile de mer Asterina gibbosa (Echinoderme, Astéride)

Autor: M. Huet
Rok vydání: 2020
DOI: 10.1201/9781003078913-57
Popis: In Asterina gibbosa, regeneration of a cut off arm tip needs the presence of the oral nerve ring connected with the radial nerve up to the level of the wound tissues. Experiments were carried out to show the role played by the oral nerve ring in regeneration. Regeneration of arm tip requires that the radial nerve should be connected with a radial oral ring sector. Under these conditions regeneration of an arm cut off the disk can be expected. The arm actually regenerates the lost parts including the disk and the four other arms. The histofluorescent method of Bjorklund, Falck & Owman reveals an aminergic activity during the early stages of regeneration. This activity is at its highest level between the third and the fifth days. The radial nerve exhibits a lower fluorescence when isolated from the oral nerve ring.
Databáze: OpenAIRE