Open Access Database for Life Cycle Analysis

Autor: Costa, Marcela Porto, Styles, David, Williams, Michael, Saget, Sophie, Zimmermann, Beate, Barilli, Eleonora, Black, Kirsty, Lehrack, Uwe, Löhrich, Nora, Damian Bienkowski, Iannetta, Pietro
Popis: This Deliverable (D5.3) describes the building and use of an Open Access Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) database. The database is collated on the project database (Work Package (WP) 2) and will be accessible via the project website (WP1). This data will allow access to a unique collection of processes and emission factors for specific legume crops and legume-based food and feed products and associated value chains. The legume crops assessed include: faba- and common-beans, chickpeas, soybean, lupin and peas cultivated across three different European biogeographical regions (Atlantic/Boreal, Continental and Mediterranean). Additionally, LCA results are also presented for three novel legume-based food products: chickpea pasta plus gin made from neutral spirit derived from distilled peas, and pea-protein balls.
Databáze: OpenAIRE