Nuevas fronteras en la Teoría de la Integración Informativa

Autor: Etienne Mullet, Yuval Wolf
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Universitas Psychologica. 15
ISSN: 2011-2777
DOI: 10.11144/javeriana.upsy15-3.nfit
Popis: This special issue contains a selection of papers presented at the Fifth Biennial International Conference on Information Integration Theory and Functional Measurement held in Acre, Israel, on June 8-10, 2015. This conference gathered together more than twenty researchers from Israel and Western Europe. The studies reported in the papers they presented were applications of Information Integration Theory and Functional Measurement (IIT/FM, Anderson, 2008, 2012, 2013) to very diverse settings, ranging from neuropsychology (functional analysis of patterns of cortical activation in an integration task using pairs of emotional faces) to political science (functional analysis of emotional and behavioral responses to a terrorist plot against commercial flights).
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