Prevalence of ABO and RH Blood Group and Sub-Group A1 and A2 in Blood Donors of Odisha - Experience of One Tertiary Centre

Autor: Pradhan Pk, Patnaik Bk, Mohanty D, Mishra Sc
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Journal of Blood & Lymph. 9
DOI: 10.37421/jbl.2019.9.249
Popis: The paucity of report from Odisha regarding prevalence of ABO and Rh blood group promoted us to undertake the present retrospective study. Total number of subjects studied are 45,564. Prevalence rate of A, B and O are 9679 (21.24%), 13881 (30.46%) and 16662 (36.56%) respectively. The subgroup analysis showed of A1 and A2 has also been carried out in the present study. One case of A2 has been described which had antibody to A1 where there was difficulty in arranging the blood transfusion insisting there by the importance of subgroup analysis in the blood bank.
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