Tsallis Distribution Functions in the Solar Wind: Magnetic Field and Velocity Observations

Autor: Leonard F. Burlaga, Adolfo F. Viñas, Sumiyoshi Abe, Hans Herrmann, Piero Quarati, Andrea Rapisarda, Constantino Tsallis
Rok vydání: 2007
Zdroj: AIP Conference Proceedings.
ISSN: 0094-243X
Popis: The distributions the fluctuations of magnetic field strengths B(t) observed on a scale of a year in the heliosphere between 1 AU and 90 AU are approximately lognormal. The PDFs of the corresponding increments of B(t) are Tsallis distributions on scales from 1 hr—128 days between 1 and 90 AU. A deterministic MHD model predicts these results. The model predicts that small chaotic structures merge to form large structures. There is a “phase transition” near ∼40 AU at which the there is a change from growth to decay. Between R∼40 and 85 AU the solar wind is in a quasi‐equilibrium state described by a “q‐triplet”.
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