The Effects Of Night-Time Simulation Using Vertical Greenery System In High-Rise Building

Autor: Hazril Sherney Basher, Sabarinah Sh Ahmad
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: The European Proceedings of Multidisciplinary Sciences.
ISSN: 2421-826X
Popis: Vertical Greenery System (VGS) is a passive thermal strategy in urban high-rise which implements vegetation in front of building facades. The purpose of having VGS is to absorb heat gain due to urban heat island that affects the outdoor and also indoor environment. This paper investigates the possibility of having greenery on residential balcony in order to improve the internal thermal performance and minimize electricity consumption. Due to increasing usage of air conditioning system (A/C) during night-time, this paper will focus on the effects of using VGS using simulation of test rooms on ground level and 8th storey level located in Putra Place Condominium Penang. This paper presents an extended series of night-time simulation data from the use of VGS. The findings are based on the use of Integrated Environmental Solutions Software (IESVE) and are validated using existing measured data. The results of VGS application will compare the indoor thermal performance between a control room (without vegetation) and VGS room (with vegetation).Overall, it supports the fact that having vegetation on high rise level will significantly minimize the indoor air temperature (DBT) more effective when compared to ground level application. The night-time study showed that the wall surface with VGS absorbed less and emits even less heat gain into the internal spaces. Therefore, having vegetation as passive shading strategy will increase the building efficiency and eventually reduce air conditioning system usage.
Databáze: OpenAIRE