Characteristics of spring waters in Budapest: A short review

Autor: Paola Bottoni, Sergio Caroli, Gyula Záray, Mihály Óvári
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Microchemical Journal. 110:770-774
ISSN: 0026-265X
Popis: The physical − chemical, recreational and healing qualities of spring waters of the major spa resorts of Budapest are briefly reviewed. The key features of the Csaszar-Veli Bej, Danubius Health Spa—Margitsziget, Gellert, Kiraly, Lukacs, Rudas and Szechenyi Baths are illustrated. Expected benefits in the treatment of a number of illnesses are discussed with reference to the presence of specific inorganic substances.
Databáze: OpenAIRE