Work From Home and Stress in the Slovak Academic Environment

Autor: Ivana Pondelíková, Tatiana Tökölyová
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-3937-1.ch012
Popis: Before Covid-19 pandemic Slovak academic environment lacked any experience with “home-office teaching” and distance learning mainly concerned specialized courses or e-learning courses. Chapter introduces results of the original research in the academic environment in Slovakia experiencing online teaching since the outbreak of pandemic. Authors identify WAH (work at home) as an emergency mode in teaching as well as WAH effects on the physical and mental health of teachers. The presented research was carried out using a questionnaire. The research sample consisted of 75 Slovak university teachers. Chapter is divided into three main parts. The first identifies main attributes and experience of the corporate home office, including the identification of adverse impacts on employee health. This part is followed by a presentation of the results of the authors' research at universities and the aim is to examine the impact of the Covid-19 crisis on online work performance, personality and digital identity of university teachers and to find out the if this new situation causes burnout by academics as one of the most serious impacts of home office.
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