Charge Transfer Between CO22+ and Ar or Ne at Collision Energies 3-10 eV

Autor: Ján Žabka, Z. Dolejšek, Libor Mrázek, Z. Herman
Rok vydání: 2003
Zdroj: Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications. 68:178-188
ISSN: 1212-6950
DOI: 10.1135/cccc20030178
Popis: The beam scattering method was used to investigate non-dissociative single-electron charge transfer between the molecular dication CO22+ and Ar or Ne at several collision energies between 3-10 eV (centre-of-mass, c.m.). Relative translational energy distributions of the product ions showed that in the reaction with Ar the CO2+ product was mainly formed in reactions of the ground state of the dication, CO22+(X3Σg-), leading to the excited states of the product CO2+(A2Πu) and CO2+(B2Σu+). In the reaction with Ne, the largest probability had the process from the reactant dication excited state CO22+(1Σg+) leading to the product ion ground state CO2+(X2Πg). Less probable were processes between the other excited states of the dication CO22+, (1∆g), (1Σu-), (3∆u), also leading to the product ion ground state CO2+(X2Πg). Using the Landau-Zener model of the reaction window, relative populations of the ground and excited states of the dication CO22+ in the reactant beam were roughly estimated as (X3Σg):(1∆g):(1Σg+):(1Σu-):(3∆u) = 1.0:0.6:0.5:0.25:0.25.
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