Patient reported outcomes of abobotulinumtoxinA injection treatment for idiopathic detrusor overactivity: a pragmatic approach to management in secondary care

Autor: Paul P. Irwin, P Somov, K Ekwueme
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Journal of Clinical Urology. 6:59-63
ISSN: 2051-4166
Popis: Aims: To evaluate the medium and long-term results of abobotulinumtoxinA (aboBTX-A) injection treatment in the management of refractory overactive bladder (OAB) symptoms owing to idiopathic detrusor overactivity. Methods: Prospective data were collected from consecutive patients who underwent intravesical injection of 250 units of aboBTX-A under general anaesthetic for OAB symptoms that were refractory to antimuscarinic therapy. Overactive bladder symptom scores (OABSS), Likhart quality of life (QoL) indices and post-void residual volumes (PVR) were compared before and 6 weeks after treatment. The Wilcoxon Signed Ranks test was used to compare changes in OABSS, QoL and PVR from baseline scores. Results: Seventy-three patients received 93 aboBTX-A injection treatments over a 5-year period. Overall, OABSS and QoL improved by a mean of 3.7 + 4.17 ( pConclusion: AbobotulinumtoxinA injection treatment, employing a dose of 250 units per treatment, confers results that compare very favourably with those reported for onobotulinumtoxinA.
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