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Study of the materials in the American Museum of Natural History that pertain to the taxon Cormohipparion occidentale Skinner and MacFadden (1977) reveals that at least six species are represented. This is based on data from the cranium, upper dentition, lower dentition, and mandible. The taxa embrace a period of time from about 12.5 Ma to 10 Ma. Major sites or faunas include the Dove Spring Formation (medial Clarendonian, California; Burge Local Fauna (early Clarendonian, Nebraska); Minnechaduza Fauna, Nebraska; MacAdams Quarry, Texas (early medial Clarendonian); Gidley Horse Quarry (late medial Clarendonian, Texas); XMas-Kat, Hans Johnson, and Machaerodus quarries (late medial Clarendonian, Nebraska); and Ash Hollow Formation (late medial Clarendonian, South Dakota). The name Cormohipparion occidentale is restricted to the larger of two species that occur contemporaneously in medial Clarendonian sites in Nebraska and, alone, at the Ed Ross Ranch Quarry, South Dakota. The second species in the X... |