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Within the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), the Climate Data Store (CDS) built by ECMWF will provide open and free access to global and regional products of Essential Climate Variables (ECV) based on satellite observations spanning several decades, amongst other things. Given its significance in the Earth system and particularly for human life, the ECV precipitation will be of major interest for users of the CDS.C3S strives to include as many established, high-quality data sets as possible in the CDS. However, it also intends to offer new products dedicated for first-hand publication in the CDS. One of these products is a climate data record based on merging satellite observations of daily and monthly precipitation by both passive microwave (MW) sounders (AMSU-B/MHS) and imagers (SSMI/SSMIS) on a 1°x1° spatial grid in order to improve spatiotemporal satellite coverage of the globe.The MW sounder observations will be obtained using, as input data, the FIDUCEO Fundamental Climate data Record (FCDR) for AMSU-B/MHS in a new global algorithm developed specifically for the project based on the Passive microwave Neural network Precipitation Retrieval approach (PNPR; Sanò et al., 2015), adapted for climate applications (PNPR-CLIM). The algorithm consists of two Artificial Neural Network-based modules, one for precipitation detection, and one for precipitation rate estimate, trained on a global observational database built from Global Precipitation Measurement-Core Observatory (GPM-CO) measurements. The MW imager observations by SSM/I and SSMIS will be adopted from the Hamburg Ocean Atmosphere Fluxes and Parameters from Satellite data (HOAPS; Andersson et al., 2017), based on the CM SAF SSM/I and SSMIS FCDR (Fennig et al., 2017). The Level 2 precipitation rate estimates from MW sounders and imagers are combined through a newly developed merging module to obtain Level 3 daily and monthly precipitation and generate the 18-year precipitation CDR (2000-2017).Here, we present the status of the Level 2 product’s development. We carry out a Level-2 comparison and present first results of the merged Level-3 precipitation fields. Based on this, we assess the product’s expected plausibility, coverage, and the added value of merging the MW sounder and imager observations.ReferencesAnderssonet al., 2017, DOI:10.5676/EUM_SAF_CM/HOAPS/V002Fennig, et al., 2017, DOI:10.5676/EUM_SAF_CM/FCDR_MWI/V003Sanò, P., et al., 2015, DOI: 10.5194/amt-8-837-2015 |