Inmunodeficiencia combinada con compromiso cutáneo asociada a mutación en DOCK8

Autor: Matías Oleastro, Jeanette Balbaryski, Claudio Cantisano, Eduardo Gaddi, Héctor Díaz, Héctor Quiroz
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Archivos Argentinos de Pediatria. 112
ISSN: 0325-0075
Popis: Different primary immunodeficiencies present increased levels of IgE and cutaneous infections of viral etiology. We report a case of a 2 y, 8 m old boy with combined immunodeficiency, dermatitis and disseminated molluscum contagiosum. The patient presented high titers of IgE, eosinophilia and pronounced TCD8 lymphopenia. Impaired proliferation assays and abnormal antibody response to vaccination were found. Normal results of ZAP-70 protein, NK function, and HLA I levels, to test quantitatives and functional defects of cytotoxic cells, lead us to suspect a mutation in DOCK8 gene. Positive result in molecular study together with clinical and immunology features in the patient confirmed the diagnosis of this new immunodeficiency, being to the authors' knowledge the first case recorded in a paediatric hospital in our country.
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