Lepidoptera as a tool for human disturbance assessment on biodiversity in Choke Mountains, Ethiopia

Autor: Tesfu Fekensa TUJUBA, Anna Simonetto, Gianni Gilioli (Prof.), Andrea Sciarretta (Prof.)
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: Background: Recent studies indicated that frequent anthropogenic disturbances in tropical countries are primary drivers of the reduction in community diversity and local extinction of many insect taxa, including Lepidoptera. Biodiversity assessment provides information on the responses of different taxa to these anthropogenic changes, useful to develop evidence-based conservation strategies to reduce biodiversity loss. We assessed the impact of anthropogenic disturbances on lepidopteran assemblages across five different land uses (forest fragments, crop fields, Pasture land, rural settlement and undisturbed natural forest) in Choke Mountains, Ethiopia. Automatic light traps have been used in 16 sites, in 3 sites manual samplings have been performed. A total of 4,559 moths representing 14 families and 339 species were sampled. The highest diversity was obtained from the Natural Forest (269 species), followed by Forest Fragment (174), Pasture Land (148), Crop Fields (138), and Rural Settlement (136). The highest species-rich families were Geometridae (131 taxa), Erebidae (93 taxa), Tortricidae (40 taxa) and Sphingidae (17 taxa). Values calculated for the Shannon index were high, ranging between 4.78 for Natural Forests and 4.15 for Crop Fields. Simpson index indicated very high values of evenness, with all land use types above 0.97. The highest values of dominance were observed in Crop Field and Pasture Land, with the percentage of the dominant species around 10%. Estimated species richness by Chao-1 was highest within Natural Forest (366), followed by Pasture Land (256), Forest Fragment (241), Rural Settlement (233), and lowest in Crop Field (186), with the highest increase, if compared to the observed number of species, in Pasture Land (+ 73%) and Rural Settlement (+ 71%). Conclusions: The results of this study will be useful for guiding conservation management priorities for preventing irreversible biodiversity losses and maintaining ecosystem services provisioning that are essential conditions for the sustainable development of rural communities.
Databáze: OpenAIRE