Improvement of the PV Module Performance by Cooling Method Through Immersing in a Forced Water Circulation

Autor: Mahdi Hatf Kadhum Aboaltabooq, Sarah Yahya Hattam, Hazim A. Al-Zurfi
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 1973:012020
ISSN: 1742-6596
Popis: Just 15 to 20 percent of the PV modules solar radiation’s turned to electrical energy while the rest’s transformed into thermal energy, resulting in a decrease in the efficiency of the electrical energy. Thus, to useful from the each electrical and thermal energy generated by the PV module, a hybrid thermal photovoltaic system is the perfect choice. A hollow rectangular box was used as a water flow channel to absorb heat from the photovoltaic’s. Then, this heat extracted from photovoltaic’s will be used in secondary applications, which leads to improved performance of photovoltaic modules and increased electrical conversion. The hybrid PV/T system consists of two sides of a rectangular channel made of insulating material, which are built-up on the bottom and top side of the PV panel, where the upper material is glass to transmittance the solar radiation and lower material is insulation foam, with a depth 5 mm of each one and through which water flows along the channel. The front side of the thermal collector contains transparent glass that allows solar radiation to pass through it to reach the PV module.3D numerical simulation was performed by COMSOL Multiphysics® software, and is validated at different volume flow rates of 1LPM to 5LPM, by Boundary Conditions investigation to keeping the inlet water and ambient temperature at 27°C and solar irradiation at 1000 W/m2.Hence, the benefit of this work is to evolve the electricity yield of photovoltaic (PV) module, thus increasing the electrical adequacy, also can be obtained the hot water by the heat absorption from the PV module by use heat exchanger. The results of the simulation had shown that the (PV)/T system produced 14.2% Maximum Electrical Efficiency (η el ), while the Maximum Thermal Efficiency(η th )was 82%, all the result set at the temperature of ambient and inlet water to the thermal collector channel at 27°C, Where the range of the volumetric rate of water flow ranges between (1-5) LPM and solar radiation between (600-1000) (W/m2)
Databáze: OpenAIRE