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Primer kardiyak tumorler oldukca nadir olup, bunlarin bircogunu miksomalar olusturur. Hemanjiyomlar ise daha nadirdir. Kardiyak hemanjiyomlarin cogu asemptomatik oldugundan, genellikle otopside ya da goruntuleme incelemeleri sirasinda tesadufen saptanirlar. Semptomatik olgularda ekokardiyografi klinik tani icin tercih edilen bir yontem olmakla birlikte, kesin tani histopatolojik inceleme ile konulur. Tedavi, tumorun cerrahi olarak eksizyonudur. Ozellikle tam olarak cikarilamayan tumorlerde nuks riski bulundugundan, ameliyat sonrasi takip gereklidir. Bu yazida, hastanin semptomatik olusu, tumorun sag ventrikuler cikim yolu yerlesimi ve miksoma ile karisan makroskopik gorunumu gibi dikkat cekici ozellikleri olan nadir bir kardiyak kavernoz hemanjiyom olgusu sunuldu. Hasta sorunsuz takip edilmektedir. Anah tar soz cuk ler: Kardiyak; kavernoz; hemanjiyom; ventrikuler. Primary cardiac tumors are very rare and myxomas constitute most of them. Hemangiomas are even rarer. As most of cardiac hemangiomas are asymptomatic, they are generally incidentally detected in postmortem examination or imaging studies. Echocardiography is the preferred imaging modality for the clinical diagnosis in symptomatic patients, while the definitive diagnosis is based on histopathological examination. Treatment is surgical excision of the tumor. As there is a risk of recurrence for incompletely resected tumors, particularly, postoperative follow-up is necessary. In this article, we report a rare cardiac cavernous hemangioma case with remarkable features including symptomatic profile of the patient, localization of the tumor in the right ventricular outflow tract and its macroscopic appearance mimicking myxoma. The patient is followed uneventfully. |