18 Pushing the envelope of simulation: are there enough simulation courses of anaesthetic equipment scenarios to train the multi-disciplinary team?

Autor: Len Goosen, C Elsey, Uncles, AJ Hall
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: E-Posters.
DOI: 10.1136/bmjstel-2016-000158.70
Popis: Background High fidelity simulation is an important tool in providing exposure to rare and dangerous scenarios to aid development of both technical and non-technical skills. According to the Royal College of Anaesthetists between 2006 and 2008, 0.52% of patient safety incidents related to anaesthetic equipment1 with harm related to some of these.2 The rarity coupled with the high severity of potential harm from equipment problems are therefore perfect for Simulation training yet scenarios testing trainees’ ability to cope and deal with serious equipment failures can rarely be tested after the start of their anaesthetic career. As part of the anaesthesia Simulation program at our institution, we have a program of equipment-based simulations that further test an operating theatre multi-disciplinary team’s (MDT) technical and non-technical skills. When equipment errors occur in clinical practice these are assimilated into a simulation scenario to further improve exposure to the event. These scenarios are critical in the development of safe anaesthesia and would be hard to practice without Simulation. Methodology We ran anaesthesia simulation sessions with rare equipment faults to test our MDT ‘s ability to deal with rare and un-practiced errors. Example scenarios are detailed in Table 1 Questionnaires were given out to assess the impact of the scenarios. Outcomes The post-Simulation questionnaire from our trainees gave unanimous support to running equipment-based scenarios. All (100%) commented that scenarios to test rare equipment faults improved their confidence of dealing with such errors in clinical practice and wanted more similar scenarios. Potential impact Within anaesthesia, we are very reliant on equipment and yet after the novice period we can rarely have exposure to practicing how to combat equipment problems – with trainees benefitting from more exposure to them. We encourage other centres to continue testing their junior and senior members of the MDT. References Chisakuta ACrean P. Risk associated with your anaesthetic. Information for Patients: The Royal College of Anaesthetists 2013 [cited 24 May 2016]:1–4. Available from: https://www.rcoa.ac.uk/system/files/PI-RISK14-EQUIPMENT-2013.pdf Cassidy CJ, Smith A, Arnot-Smith J. Critical incident reports concerning anaesthetic equipment: analysis of the UK National Reporting and Learning System data from 2006–2008. Anaesthesia 2011;66:879–888
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