Об адекватности управления системой промышленного электроснабжения в условиях искажения качества электрической энергии

Jazyk: ruština
Rok vydání: 2023
DOI: 10.34831/ep.2023.92.62.006
Popis: Отмечено, что подключение к электрической сети потребителей, имеющих нелинейную вольт-амперную характеристику и влияющих на качество электрической энергии, приводит к возникновению помех не только в сети промышленного предприятия, но и на шинах питающих подстанций. На примере простейшей системы электроснабжения промышленного предприятия рассмотрен вопрос влияния погрешностей устройств синхронизированных векторных измерений (УСВИ) на оценку параметров электрического режима. Указано, что в нормативных документах занижены требования к точности устройств синхронизированных векторных измерений, особенно при использовании их для управления режимом электроснабжения промышленной нагрузки.
It is noted that the connection to the electrical network of consumers with a non-linear current-voltage characteristic and affecting the quality of electrical energy leads to noise generation not only in the network of an industrial enterprise, but also on the buses of supply substations. The impact of the errors of Phasor Measurement Units (PMU) on the assessment of the parameters of the electrical regime is considered on the example of the simplest power supply system of an industrial enterprise. It is shown that the requirements for the accuracy of Phasor Measurement Units are underestimated in the regulatory documents, especially when the devices are used to control the power supply mode of an industrial load.
Networks with a TN–C–S grounding system are the most common in the Russian Federation due to their economic efficiency and a rather high degree of electrical safety. However, the main disadvantage of such networks is the risk of occurring high potential on open conductive parts of electrical equipment in the event of a break in the integrated PEN conductor. On the basis of mathematical modeling and analysis of the processes occurring in TN–C–S networks in the event of a PEN conductor break, the effectiveness of the input multirating switching device which ensures electrical safety in case of indirect contact in the event of such accidents was evaluated. In accordance with the requirements of the regulatory documents on electrical safety, the parameters of the industrial and household electrical devices are determined.
Промышленная энергетика, Выпуск 2 2023, Pages 38-46
Databáze: OpenAIRE