Data Ferrying to the Tactical Edge: A Field Experiment in Exchanging Mission Plans and Intelligence in Austere Environments

Autor: Andrew Gronosky, Matthew Gillen, Joshua Sterling, Joseph Loyall, Kyle Usbeck, Richard Newkirk, Ralph Kohler, David Canestrare
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: 2014 IEEE Military Communications Conference.
Popis: The effectiveness of ground-based, wireless tactical data networks is often constrained by limitations such as communication range and line-of-sight. SATCOM is not always available because it is relatively expensive and highly contended. Data ferrying is an alternative method of data transfer in which data is uploaded from one network to a manned or unmanned vehicle, then the vehicle is driven or flown to within range of a second network where the data can be downloaded. Data ferrying via Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) can transport data over very rugged terrain without risking the safety of a human courier. This paper describes an implementation of data ferrying to provide low-cost, effective data communications between remote ground units and Forward Operating Bases in austere environments. It describes a field experiment in which a ground vehicle was used to wirelessly ferry data in a realistic scenario, and points out the lessons learned from that experiment.
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