A wide line acquisition case for overthrust nappe structure of Kulong Mountain in Jiuquan basin

Autor: Tang Donglei, He Yongqing, Tang Haizhong
Rok vydání: 2003
Zdroj: SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2003.
DOI: 10.1190/1.1817720
Popis: Summary It is difficult to acquire an interpretable seismic data from the overthrust nappe structure of the Kulong Mountain, Jiuquan basin in western China, the main reason is the static problem from the complicacy of the topography and the near surface geology, ray distortion caused by the overthrust nappe and the weak reflection energy from the targets. But for the field acquisition, the side wave interference is the main reason of low S/N ratio. To overcome this difficulty, in 2001, we used wide line acquisition technique to suppress the side wave and accomplished huge success. Excellent data obtained prove the effectiveness for using the wide line acquisition technique in such complex area as Kulong Mountain, Jiuquan Basin.
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