A GUI based automatic detection of seismic P-wave arrivals by using Short Term Average/Long Term Average (STA/LTA) method

Autor: Aulia Khalqillah, Umar Muksin, Muhammad Isa
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 1116:032014
ISSN: 1742-6596
Popis: Automatic detection of P wave very important to speed up the data analysis rather than manual. One of the methods used for P wave detection is Short Term Average/Long Term Average (STA/LTA). The P wave is detected automatically by STA/LTA when the STA/LTA ratio exceed from the given threshold value. This algorithm has been displayed in the form of Graphical User Interface (GUI) for make it easy to use. We have experimented the GUI to an earthquake on December 24, 2014 that recorded by ACEHSEIS network. We use four vertical components from different seismic stations and one of it has a noisy waveform. The P-wave was obtained when the STA/LTA ratio exceeded the threshold value at 0.35. We also determine the P wave with the manual detection and Pphase Picker as the comparison to our GUI of STA/LTA. The result shows that, our GUI of STA/LTA method can be used determine P wave arrivals although the waveform is noisy but the program cannot be used to determine the relatively minor phase of P wave arrivals. While the results of Pphase Picker is opposite of STA/LTA.
Databáze: OpenAIRE