Exploring Multiple Pathways to Low TDD GaP/Si for III-V/Si Photovoltaics

Autor: Tyler J. Grassman, Jacob T. Boyer, Zak H. Blumer, Steven A. Ringel, Daniel L. Lepkowski
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: 2021 IEEE 48th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC).
DOI: 10.1109/pvsc43889.2021.9518431
Popis: Threading dislocation density (TDD) is a key parameter that commonly limits the performance of epitaxially integrated III-V/Si photovoltaics. The GaP/Si epitaxial bridge is a widely studied III-V on Si integration pathway, and recent advances have realized low-106 cm-2 TDD in n-GaP/Si templates that can be integrated in III-V/Si PV designs amenable to efficiencies well beyond single-junction Si. However, continued development and scaling of III-V/Si PV will ultimately rely on a deeper understanding of dislocation evolution in GaP/Si and will require more process flexibility than has heretofore been demonstrated. Thus, this work demonstrates multiple pathways toward achieving-low 106 cm-2 TDD, through which we can gain both substantial fundamental understanding of GaP/Si integration and can achieve the needed process flexibility to enable scalable production.
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