Chemical studies of kimberlite indicator minerals from stream sediment and till samples in the southern Mackenzie region (NTS 85B, C, F, G), Northwest Territories, Canada

Autor: RC Paulen, D G Pearson, I R Smith, S J A Day
Rok vydání: 2021
DOI: 10.4095/329080
Popis: Till (n=196) and stream sediment (n=60) samples were collected in the area south and west of Great Slave Lake, Northwest Territories (NTS 85B, C, F, and G), over the course of 3 summer field seasons. Samples were processed to recover kimberlite and other indicator minerals. This report summarizes results of the kimberlite indicator mineral (KIM) studies, including measures of KIM mineral types, abundances, and chemistry (major, trace, and rare earth elements). KIMs were present in 24% of the samples collected, and only 183 KIM grains in total were recovered, of which Cr-pyrope garnets were the most abundant (65.6%). Chemical analyses revealed strong similarities to the Drybones Bay and Mud Lake kimberlites which are situated 50 to >100 km to the northeast, roughly aligned with prominent glacially streamlined landform flowsets in this field area. Results suggest there is little evidence for undetected kimberlite outcrop or sub-crop in the study area.
Databáze: OpenAIRE