Effect of mycorrhizal and bacterial products on the traits related to photosynthesis and fruit quality of tomato under water deficiency conditions

Autor: Kitti Zsuzsanna Horváth, Lajos Helyes, P. Pék, Eszter Nemeskéri
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Acta Horticulturae. :61-66
ISSN: 2406-6168
Popis: The soil microorganisms living in symbiotic association with plants improve the nutrient and water uptake under water shortage. The effect of mycorrhizal fungus (Symbivit®) and bacterial strains (Phylazonit) products on the SPAD value and chlorophyll fluorescence of the leaves, the weight of tomato fruits, soluble solids and vitamin C content of fruits of 'Uno Rosso' F(1) tomato hybrid were investigated under non-irrigated, deficit irrigated (I(50)) and well-irrigated (I(100)) conditions. The aim of the experiments was to show which treatment affects the traits influencing the photosynthesis and quality of tomato fruits under water scarcity. Symbivit® moderately increased the weight of fruit and its vitamin C content that was associated with low SPAD value of the leaves of the deficit irrigated plants mainly in dry years. The effect of Phylazonit was favourable on the weight and quality of tomato fruit using deficit irrigation but it depended on the crop year.
Databáze: OpenAIRE