A Data-Driven Approach for Addressing Sexual and Reproductive Health Needs Among Youth Migrants

Autor: Kenneth E. Paik, Amber Nigam, Leo Anthony Celi, Uma Girkar, Pragati Jaiswal, Teertha Arora
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Leveraging Data Science for Global Health ISBN: 9783030479930
Popis: Background: Every year millions of people migrate across international borders from country to country capturing the attention of governments. While this movement has led to the development of many new international policies and programs that help assist these migrants, still a lot needs to be done to plug the unmet sexual and reproductive health needs of adolescent migrants who are mostly dependent on their families financially and socially and often fall through the cracks of the system. Objective: In order to create new policies and programs, legislators and other government workers must collect extensive data about these migrants to find out more information regarding the reasons for their migration and their immediate health needs in the process of migration for key decision-making. This study explores ways of getting relevant data from the migrants and apply machine learning to derive insights from the data for the stakeholders. Methods: To solve this problem, we have created a web application that will facilitate crucial data collection. Additionally, we have mocked up a data driven recommendation system about predicting most vulnerable migrants. This could help different stakeholders involved in the sexual and reproductive health of youth migrants in clinical decision-making. Results: The study involved building a web-app and curation of a questionnaire for the migrants to build a pipeline of data that could be later used for deriving insights about the patterns in migration and its potential sexual and health risks. It has also explored different ways of disseminating information about sexual and reproductive health needs to the youth migrants. Finally, machine learning was used for predicting vulnerability of migrants based on their backgrounds. Conclusion: Data is of great essence in mitigating the risks associated with various sexual and reproductive health related issues among migrants. First, it can be used to make youth migrants aware of their sexual and reproductive health needs and rights. Second, it can be used by Machine Learning to generate useful recommendations for reducing the risks of migration.
Databáze: OpenAIRE