Alkaloids from Organized Atropa belladonna Cultures

Autor: Robert L. Hamilton, Jeffrey Lang, Chee-Kok Chin, Henrik Pedersen
Rok vydání: 1988
Zdroj: Plant Cell Biotechnology ISBN: 9783642731594
Popis: Unorganized suspension cultures of some higher plants are known to produce various industrially important products, i.e. nicotine from Nicotiana tobacum [Al-Abta, 1978] and purine alkaloids from Coffea arabica [Frischknecht, 1977, 1980]; however, structurally organized organs or somatic embryos are needed in some cases [Butcher, 1977; Al-Abta, 1978, 1979; Yamada, 1983] for secondary metabolite production. To achieve redifferentiation, media and culture conditions sometimes need to be varied. These changes complicate the selection of optimum production conditions by introducing more manipulative variables. A three stage scheme for production of tropane alkaloids from Atropa belladonna is proposed here.
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