The value of the direct bandgap of InN: a re‐examination

Autor: Olivier Briot, C. Pinquier, Bernard Gil, Sandra Clur-Ruffenach, J. Frandon, F. Demangeot, B. Maleyre
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: physica status solidi (c). 1:1425-1428
ISSN: 1610-1634
Popis: We report the observation of a broad absorption in the 1.25 eV region that is typical of thin InN films. Such a feature we attribute to light absorption at the energy of the fundamental direct band gap of InN, while we attribute the low energy 650–750 meV photoluminescence to an extrinsic recombination process analogous to the process that give the blue band in AlN and the yellow band in GaN. The substantial broadening is attributed to both the residual doping, and strain. (© 2004 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)
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