Static versus dynamic teboroxime myocardial perfusion SPECT in canines

Autor: Paul E. Christian, H.S. Khare, Dan J. Kadrmas, G.T. Cullberg, Edward V. R. DiBella
Rok vydání: 2000
Zdroj: IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. 47:1112-1117
ISSN: 1558-1578
DOI: 10.1109/23.856556
Popis: Tc-99m-teboroxime is a perfusion tracer with high myocardial extraction, fast washin and washout kinetics, and excellent imaging properties. The fast kinetics pose some problems for static imaging, but they also allow for back-to-back stress/rest studies to be performed very quickly. Furthermore, such fast kinetics are ideally suited for dynamic imaging. The authors have compared static versus dynamic myocardial perfusion SPECT with teboroxime in canines using microsphere-derived flow values as the gold standard. Dynamic data were successfully acquired at rest and under adenosine stress in 7 dogs using a fast serial scanning protocol. The data were analyzed in 2 ways: summing timeframes to create a single, static dataset with consistent projections; and 4D reconstruction and kinetic parameter estimation for a 2 compartment model. In both cases imaging data (voxel intensity or washin rate parameter) were correlated with now values measured by microspheres. The static summing procedure that produced the best correlation with flow consisted of summing the projection data acquired from 60 to 180 seconds post-injection. The washin rate parameter was found to provide better correlation with flow than static image intensity in 6 of 7 animals. When the data were pooled over all studies, washin provided significantly better correlation with flow than static imaging (p
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