Optical Packet Switching via FWM Processing of Time-Stacked Weight-2 Codes

Autor: Leslie A. Rusch, Sophie LaRochelle, Y. Ben M'Sallem, Pegah Seddighian
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: IEEE Photonics Technology Letters. 20:1712-1714
ISSN: 1941-0174
Popis: We demonstrate recognition of time-stacked multiwavelength (M-lambda ) weight-2 code labels using four-wave-mixing (FWM) sideband allocation and selective optical filtering. At the forwarding node, the labels are separated using a highly reflective fiber Bragg grating and the FWM terms are generated using a highly nonlinear semiconductor optical amplifier. We show successful forwarding of packets through a two-hop network. We report error-free transmission (bit-error rate < 10 -10) of the payload through the entire network with less than 1.5-dB power penalty.
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