Tidal Siphon: Alternative to a Jetty-Hardened Inlet

Autor: Raymond Wright, Nicholas De Gennaro
Rok vydání: 2007
Zdroj: Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering. 133:200-212
ISSN: 1943-5460
Popis: This paper reviews the feasibility in function and design of an alternative to the jetty-hardened coastal inlet to develop tidal exchange between the ocean and an estuary. The proposed alternative is a subseabed (buried) tidal siphon. The proposed siphon will be best suited for inlets where navigation is not required and a tidal lag can be tolerated. The four main objectives of this paper are: (1) to present the immediate reasons for coastal inlet closures; (2) to identify the tidal exchange best suited for the tidal siphon; (3) to determine the shallowest functional depth of the inlet/outfall; and (4) to evaluate the hydraulic performance of the designed tidal siphon. It was determined the best tidal exchange for the tidal siphon is in the lower one-third of the stable tidal prism, the stability prism, and the reasonable depth for the offshore inlet/outfall structure is the depth of closure. Based on an analytical evaluation, the tidal siphon as designed preformed as required. Collection of field data in...
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