Il predeposito di sangue nella prostatectomia radicale

Autor: G.F. Vagliani, C.A. Passardi, G. Misuriello, G.A. Perrone, M. Marzocchi, G. Rossi, M. Fini, E. Monti
Rok vydání: 1994
Zdroj: Urologia Journal. 61:264-267
ISSN: 1724-6075
DOI: 10.1177/039156039406101s75
Popis: The authors have carried out a retrospective analysis of all patients who underwent radical prostatectomy during the last 3 years, to evaluate autologous blood predeposit in urological surgery. Even if all the patients underwent preoperative blood predeposit and on average 2.45 units were collected per patient, the patients transfused with homologous blood were 41.6%. To reduce the percentage of patients who are transfused with homologous blood, the authors believe that, accepting a haemoglobin threshold value of 11 g/dl in the immediate preoperative stage and through a blood letting programme, which respects the physiological time for the organism's recovery, it is possible to reach the goal of 4 bleedings in selective urological surgery. In this study, 4 units of autologous blood predeposit on average are able to cover 60% of the estimated losses.
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