Relating typability and expressiveness in finite-rank intersection type systems (extended abstract)

Autor: Assaf J. Kfoury, Harry G. Mairson, Franklyn A. Turbak, J. B. Wells
Rok vydání: 1999
Zdroj: ACM SIGPLAN Notices. 34:90-101
ISSN: 1558-1160
DOI: 10.1145/317765.317788
Popis: We investigate finite-rank intersection type systems, analyzing the complexity of their type inference problems and their relation to the problem of recognizing semantically equivalent terms. Intersection types allow something of type τ 1 Λ τ 2 to be used in some places at type τ 1 and in other places at type τ 2 . A finite-rank intersection type system bounds how deeply the Λ can appear in type expressions. Such type systems enjoy strong normalization, subject reduction, and computable type inference, and they support a pragmatics for implementing parametric polymorphism. As a consequence, they provide a conceptually simple and tractable alternative to the impredicative polymorphism of System F and its extensions, while typing many more programs than the Hindley-Milner type system found in ML and Haskell.While type inference is computable at every rank, we show that its complexity grows exponentially as rank increases. Let K (0, n ) = n and K ( t + 1, n ) = 2 K ( t,n ) ; we prove that recognizing the pure λ-terms of size n that are typable at rank k is complete for DTIME [ K ( k −1, n )]. We then consider the problem of deciding whether two λ-terms typable at rank k have the same normal form, generalizing a well-known result of Statman from simple types to finite-rank intersection types. We show that the equivalence problem is DTIME [ K ( K ( k − 1, n ), 2)]-complete. This relationship between the complexity of typability and expressiveness is identical in wellknown decidable type systems such as simple types and Hindley-Milner types, but seems to fail for System F and its generalizations. The correspondence gives rise to a conjecture that if Τ is a predicative type system where typability has complexity t ( n ) and expressiveness has complexity e ( n ), then t ( n ) = Ω(log* e ( n )).
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