Implementation of Common Service Centre Project in India: A Case Study of Zoom Developers Private Limited

Autor: Ryhan Ebad
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: International Journal of Business Research and Development. 4
ISSN: 1929-0977
DOI: 10.24102/ijbrd.v4i1.574
Popis: The Information Technology (IT) Sector has led India to become a potent global hub of providing IT andIT enabled Services (IT-ITeS). Due to continuous technological advancements and innovations in ITsector, the Government of India (GOI) has been very proactive in applying it to rural sector to bridge theurban and rural divide. The emergence of e-Government as a force in developing India has led to thediscovery of many innovative ways of public service delivery to citizens and businesses with the primefocus on rural sector. The choice of Common Service Center (CSC) based service delivery model is oneof the major and commendable initiatives by GOI. The CSC is created to offer a diversified range ofgovernment and non-government services at one location. The ambitious CSC project is all aboutestablishing 1, 00,000 CSCs across the country at the lowest local government body at village level(Gram Panchayat Level) by Government of India under its National e-Governance Plan (NeGP)(Common Service Centre (N.D.). In other words these CSCs are government’s front end delivery ekiosks.The project is being carried out by a joint collaborative approach between government and privatesectors under Public- Private Partnership Model (PPP) (Kurian and Ray, 2009). This paper highlights theissues and challenges encountered by private entity, Zoom Developers (Zoom), in implementing theproject to establish over 12,000 CSCs in eight states. It further discusses sustainability and success ofthese projects.
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