Linear Form of Material Balance Equation

Autor: Bibobra Ikporo, Sylvester Okotie
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Reservoir Engineering ISBN: 9783030023928
Popis: The complex nature of the material balance equation (MBE) used in estimation of oil and gas initially in place, cumulative aquifer/water influx, gas cap size and the contribution of the various drive mechanism was reduced to a simpler form by Havlena and Odeh (1963) to express the MBE in a straight line form. This involves rearranging the MBE into a linear equation. Therefore, the various mathematical model for the different material balance equations for the reservoir types in chapter five are represented in a straight line form in this chapter. To identify the type of reservoir in question, based on the signature of pressure history or behaviour and the production trend, Campbell and Dake developed a diagnostic plot and also to check for the presence and strength of aquifer. The plots were established based on the assumption of a volumetric reservoir, and deviation from this behaviour is used to indicate the reservoir type. Hence, the linear form of the material balance equations are presented for the various reservoir types with several solved example questions.
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