Sistem Pengisian Akumulator Dengan DC Chopper Menggunakan Metoda Arus Konstan Berbasis Mikrokontroller Atmega8535

Autor: Elfizon, Elfizon, Asnil, Aslimeri
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.17605/
Popis: This paper aims to design an accumulator filling system with a DC Chopper using a constant current method. DC Chopper (Buck Converter) on this tool uses MOSFET as a switching component that produces PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) waves from the ATMega8535 Microcontroller which is set with the Basic Compiler (BASCOM-AVR) programming language, so that it can determine the amount of current and output voltage needed for charging accumulator. Test Results, accumulating the accumulator is carried out by a constant current method by keeping the current at its limit of 0.4 Ampere to reach the maximum voltage on the accumulator. Accumulator filling is successfully stopped by the work of MOSFET which is made inactive when the voltage on the accumulator is detected at 13.2 Volts and reactivated when the voltage is detected at 7 Volts, by regulating the pulse wave ignition (PWM) that has been set in the ATMega8535 Microcontroller program. Charging takes 270 minutes / 4.5 hours
Databáze: OpenAIRE