Impact of high resolution land surface initialization in Indian summer monsoon simulation using a regional climate model

Autor: S. Vijaya Bhaskara Rao, C. K. Unnikrishnan, M. Rajeevan
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Journal of Earth System Science. 125:677-689
ISSN: 0973-774X
Popis: The direct impact of high resolution land surface initialization on the forecast bias in a regional climate model in recent years over Indian summer monsoon region is investigated. Two sets of regional climate model simulations are performed, one with a coarse resolution land surface initial conditions and second one used a high resolution land surface data for initial condition. The results show that all monsoon years respond differently to the high resolution land surface initialization. The drought monsoon year 2009 and extended break periods were more sensitive to the high resolution land surface initialization. These results suggest that the drought monsoon year predictions can be improved with high resolution land surface initialization. Result also shows that there are differences in the response to the land surface initialization within the monsoon season. Case studies of heat wave and a monsoon depression simulation show that, the model biases were also improved with high resolution land surface initialization. These results show the need for a better land surface initialization strategy in high resolution regional models for monsoon forecasting.
Databáze: OpenAIRE