A Model of a System for Gas Transmission Pipeline Integrity Monitoring

Autor: Yuriy Ponomarev, Olga Khymko, V. F. Chekurin, Myroslav Prytula, Roman Kushnir
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering ISBN: 9783030580728
Popis: The model of the software system for monitoring the integrity of the linear part of a gas main pipeline is considered. The pipeline is considered to be a linear structure formed by series-connected compressor stations and sections of the linear part. The structure model of a section consists of sequentially connected line and nodal elements. The nodal elements represent the technological objects of the linear part, which create small pressure drops between their inputs and outputs. Mathematical models of gas motion through such elements contain ordinary time-dependent differential equations. Gas flow through the line elements is described by partial differential equations, which depend on the spatial coordinate and time. According to this model, the integrity monitoring system of the linear part consists of the integrity monitoring systems of all objects represented by both linear and nodal elements. An object integrity control systems include sensors of informative parameters, logging systems, monitoring database, mathematical models and object integrity checking algorithms, data exchange subsystem and information security subsystem.
Databáze: OpenAIRE