Autoria como um conceito aberto: teoria do domínio do fato, teoria da organização e o combate às novas formas de criminalidade no Brasil

Autor: Bruno Nazih Nehme Nassar, Alexandre Rocha Almeida de Moraes
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Revista Fronteiras Interdisciplinares do Direito. 1:19-45
ISSN: 2596-3333
DOI: 10.23925/2596-3333.2019v1i1a2
Popis: This article discusses the institute of concurrence of people, especially the Theory of Domain of the Fact, the dogmatic evolutions that led to it’s creation, further contributions to the theory and the empirical consequences of the adoption of this dogmatic contribution in the fight against organized crime, ensuring an integral guaranteeism and the adequate criminal; protection of the legal rights protected.
Databáze: OpenAIRE