Intermediate Participatory Stages as Zone of Proximal Development Correlate in Constructing Counting-On:A Plausible Conceptual Source for Children's Transitory 'Regress' to Counting-All

Autor: Ron Tzur, Matthew Allen Lambert
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Journal for Research in Mathematics Education. 42:418-450
ISSN: 1945-2306
DOI: 10.5951/jresematheduc.42.5.0418
Popis: Quantitative and qualitative analyses of 37 first-graders’ solutions to addition problems were conducted to re-examine inconsistencies in children’s progress from counting-all to counting-on. The authors applied the constructivist’s participatory– anticipatory stage distinction as a tool for fine-grained assessment. Among solutions given by case-representing children during 20-minute clinical interviews, the authors distinguish both stages within each of 2 known schemes that constitute counting-on, Anticipating Start From and Anticipating Stop At (with double counting). The promptdependent, Zone of Proximal Development-correlated participatory stage provides a lens for explaining children’s regress to counting-all and concurrent use of various solution strategies. The study advances a novel, theoretical coordination among 3 frameworks: constructivist scheme theory with a focus on the notion of prompt, Vygotsky’s sociocultural approach, and Siegler’s Overlapping Waves Model, and provides a corresponding, threefold stance on mathematical tasks.
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