Bulk Diffusion of Homovalent Atomic Probes of Vanadium and Niobium in Single Crystals of Tungsten

Autor: Alexander N. Timofeev, S. M. Klotsman, G. N. Tatarinova
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Defect and Diffusion Forum. 330:1-10
ISSN: 1662-9507
DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/ddf.330.1
Popis: The Volume Diffusion of Homovalent Atomic Probes (APs) from the VB Group of the Periodic Ta-Ble of Elements (PTE) – V and Nb in W Single Crystals Has Been Studied by Using the Method of Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS). the Parameters of the Arrhenius Dependence of the Coefficients DV of Vanadium Volume Diffusion in W Have Been Measured: (D0)V = (1.3  0.4) X 10-4 M2s-1 and QV = (564 ± 6) Kj/mol. the Parameters (D0,Q)Nb of the Bulk Diffusion of Nb Aps in W Have Been Estimated with the Help of Several Measured Coefficients Dnb and the Empirical Correlation [1,2]: (D = DWW)(Tm)W: the Diffusion Coefficients of Substitutional Non-Magnetic 5d-Aps Coincide with the Self-Diffusion Coefficients in W at its Melting Point (Tm)W. the Enthalpies Qnb,Ta of the Bulk Diffusion of Non-Magnetic (nm) Homovalent Aps from the VB Group of PTE – Nb and Ta [3] Also Coincide with the Relaxation Volumes vacVBAPs of Complexes “vacancies-VB Aps” in the W Lattice. Electron Contributions (EDN)vacVBAPs to the Energies Evacvbaps of Interaction of Point Defects in Complexes “vacancies- VB Nm- Aps” Are Lower than in Complexes “vacancies-IVB Nm- Aps” [4]. the Dependence of {EDN(n)}vacVBAPs the Electron Contributions (EDN)vacVBAPs on the Difference of N Numbers of Periods of PTE the Deviation of Contributions (EDN)vacVAPs for Vanadium Aps to En-Ergies Evacvaps of their Interaction in Complexes “vacancy-VAP” Has Been Determined. this Devi-Ation Is Conditioned by the Contribution of the Exchange Energy (Eexch)VAP of Vanadium to the En-Ergy Evacvaps of the Point-Defect Interactions in the Complex “vacancy-VAP”.
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