Food Habits, Health Knowledge, and Dietary Changes Among Taiwanese Students

Autor: W.D. Warde, L.L. Ebro, P.C. Kuo, J.K. Leong
Rok vydání: 1996
Zdroj: Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 96:A67
ISSN: 0002-8223
Popis: LEARNING OUTCOME: To investigate food habits, health knowledge and dietary changes among Taiwanese students. Questionnaires were sent to 508 Taiwanese students enrolled in four US universities during fell, 1995, and the response rate was 32% (N=164). Data were analyzed using frequencies, percentages and Chi-Square test. Respondents were predominantly male (51%), single, 21 to 30 years of age, and living in apartments without family members. More than half had gained weight since coming to the US and a majority were not aware of the US DA Food Guide Pyramid. The most preferred foods were fried chicken, steak, and salad, while the least favorite foods were breakfast cereal and cheese. Foods commonly eaten were rice, cooked vegetables, eggs, fresh fruits and chicken. Since coming to the US. respondents have increased consumption of chicken, milk, eggs, beef. Coke, and ice cream, and decreased intake offish/shellfish, Chinese tea and spices, mono sodium glutamate, and rice. Taiwanese students consumed the suggested number of servings for four of the food groups, however, intake of milk, yogurt and cheese was less than one serving per day. They consumed more vegetables than fruits, but the total daily intake for these two food groups was five servings. Cheese and breakfast cereals were only eaten since coming to the US and alcoholic beverages are rarely consumed. American food preferences, health knowledge, frequency of food consumption, quantitative changes in consumption of 12 food items, and 24-hour dietary recall were significantly associated (p
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